2024年2月26日、渋谷区の渋谷駅のすぐそばに、キッチンつきの中長期滞在型施設「ハイアット ハウス 東京 渋谷」(矢野花恵総支配人)がオープン。

東急不動産(本社:渋谷区、星野浩明社長)が手掛ける一大再開発プロジェクト「Shibuya Sakura Stage」(2023年11月竣工)の地上30階建て高層ビル内の1~3階、6~16階を使った「ビル型施設」で客室数は126室。

左)エントランス   右)ホテルが入る30階建てビル






もちろん「Shibuya Sakura Stage」も例外ではなく、同ホテルで使われる電力は全部「再エネ100%」、という点も特筆だ。

左)広々とした部屋  中)キッチン  右)屋内プール

(取材・文 深川孝行)

Hyatt House Opens as Shibuya’s First 100% Renewable Energy
Establishment: Highlight of Tokyu Land Corporation ‘Shibuya Sakura Stage

On February 26, 2024, “Hyatt House Tokyo Shibuya,” a kitchen-equipped extended stay property, opened near Shibuya Station, Tokyo, as part of Tokyu Land Corporation “Shibuya Sakura Stage” redevelopment project. The hotel occupies floors 1-3 and 6-16 of a 30-story building, offering 126 spacious rooms designed for long-term stays. Rooms feature kitchens with appliances, separate bath and toilet facilities, and amenities such as a 24-hour indoor heated pool, fitness gym, Multi-Function Room, and rooftop garden terrace. In December 2022, Tokyu Land Corporation will transition all electricity at over 240 facilities, such as office buildings and commercial sites, to renewable energy. This move fulfills the “RE100” mandate of shifting to renewable energy sources, resulting in a yearly reduction of approximately 156,000 tons of CO2 emissions (equivalent to 80,000 average households). The Shibuya Sakura Stage is included in this transition, with all electricity at the hotel now sourced from 100% renewable energy.