ファーストリテイリング(本社・山口市、柳井 正会長兼社長)は、海洋ごみ問題への取り組みとして、2023年10月3日~22日にユニクロ原宿店(渋谷区)に「海洋プラギョミ大図鑑 by JOIN:THE POWER OF CLOTHING」と銘打ったブースを開設。



ブースでは海洋プラごみなど実物を数多く展示、クイズやスタンプラリーなど、飽きさせない工夫も凝らされている。また店内では「JOIN:THE POWER OF CLLOTHING」プロジェクト2023年秋冬キャンペーン・アイテムとして、リサイクル・ポリエステル素材使用の「ドラえもん サステナモードトイ(ぬいぐるみ)」(ユニクロのグローバルサステナビリティアンバサダー)なども販売。
(取材・文 深川孝行)
UNIQLO Opens ‘Encyclopedia’ Exhibition Booth on Ocean Garbage Issue in Harajuku
Fast Retailing, Expanding UNIQLO, has set up an exhibition booth titled “Marine Plastic Waste Encyclopedia by JOIN: THE POWER OF CLOTHING” at the UNIQLO Harajuku store in Tokyo from October 3rd to 22nd, 2023. Renowned ichthyologist and guest professor at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Sakana-kun, is collaborating on this initiative to tackle the issue of marine plastic pollution. The aim is to educate a wide audience, including children, adults, and young people visiting Harajuku, about the severity of the marine waste problem in an engaging manner, while fostering interest in the issue.
The booth features four large panels measuring approximately 2 meters in height and 4 meters in width, designed to resemble a “great encyclopedia,” systematically explaining the current state, causes, and impacts of marine plastic pollution. The eight-page exhibit covers:
P1: What is Marine Plastic Waste: Introduces the staggering prediction that the amount of waste flowing into the ocean annually is approximately 11 million tons, with the projection that by 2050, there will be more plastic waste than fish.
P2: Damage Caused by Marine Plastic Waste: Uses photos to illustrate the extent of damage in locations including the Arctic, Indonesia, India, Kenya, and Nagasaki, Japan.
P3: Impact on Marine Life: In collaboration with the certified non-profit organization Everlasting Nature (ELNA), actual quantities of plastic waste accumulated in the stomachs of sea turtles are displayed.
P4: The True Nature of Marine Plastic Waste: Displays actual marine plastic waste collected in Hokkaido and Fukuoka, such as fishing nets, ropes, sandals, detergent containers, and plant pots.
P5: Why Plastic Ends Up in the Sea: Explains the dangers of microplastics.
P6: Recycling for Resource: Describes the latest technology for recycling plastic waste into raw materials like oil and resin.
P7: Clothing Born from PET Bottles: UNIQLO aims to switch 50% of all materials used to recycled materials by fiscal year 2030. The process from PET bottles to fleece is explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
P8: How to Reduce Plastic Waste: Features an interview with Professor Yoshio Harada, an expert on global plastic waste from Doshisha University’s Faculty of Economics.
The booth also displays various actual marine plastic waste items, incorporating activities like quizzes and stamp rallies to keep visitors engaged. Additionally, within the store, items from the “JOIN: THE POWER OF CLOTHING” project’s 2023 autumn/winter campaign are available for purchase, including a “Doraemon Sustainable Mode Toy (plush toy)” made from recycled polyester, which is UNIQLO’s Global Sustainability Ambassador.