難病と闘う子どもたちを応援するため、インタラクティブなエンタテインメント・コンテンツを医療機関に無償提供したり、ディズニー・キャラクター盛りだくさんのチャリティオークション『Disney Create 100』を展開しているが、今回新たに「Wish Together」をスタート、子供たちへの支援をより強化する。

「Wish Together」は難病の子どもたちの「願い」を実現するプログラムで、「最も必要とされるときに安らぎと楽しいひとときを病気と闘う子どもたちへ届ける」を掲げ活動するNPO団体「メイク・ア・ウィッシュ」と、二人三脚で推進している。

ちなみに「メイク・ア・ウィッシュ」は40年以上前から世界的規模で続けられ、1992年には日本でもスタート、約4000人の子どもと家族に「笑顔」を届け、その半数以上でディズニーも協力。ディズニーは「100周年」を記念し、新作アニメ映画『ウィッシュ』を制作、日本でも2023年12月15日から公開上映されているが、「Wish Together」は同映画の世界観と「メイク・ア・ウィッシュ」を〝融合〟させ、子供たちに勇気を与えることがねらい。




Walt Disney Japan is is launching ‘Wish Together’ to Grant Children’s Wishes

In celebration of Walt Disney Company’s 100th anniversary in 2023, Walt Disney Japan, led by President Carol Choi, has elevated its longstanding commitment to social contributions. Focusing on supporting children battling serious illnesses, they provide interactive entertainment content to medical institutions and host the charity auction “Disney Create 100” featuring a variety of Disney characters. Additionally, a new initiative, “Wish Together,” has been launched to enhance support for children.

“Wish Together” is a program dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of children with serious illnesses, aiming to bring moments of comfort and joy during their challenging times. Collaborating with the non-profit organization “Make-A-Wish,” which has been globally active for over 40 years and started in Japan in 1992, the initiative has already brought smiles to around 4,000 children and their families, with over half of them receiving support from Disney.

To commemorate the 100th anniversary, Disney has produced a new animated film titled “Wish,” released in Japan on December 15, 2023. “Wish Together” seeks to integrate the world of “Wish” with the mission of “Make-A-Wish,” intending to inspire courage in children. The story revolves around the protagonist, Asha, facing challenges with unwavering determination, with the hope of instilling courage in young audiences.

Already, “Wish Together” has been fulfilling the wishes of young heroes, such as visiting Tokyo Disneyland with family and wanting to wear a red dress while taking a photo with Mickey. These heartwarming stories continue to spread a circle of inspiration and courage among those involved, creating a ripple of emotions and bravery in the community.
